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How to clean jewellery, accordingly to cleaning experts

Jun 25, 2023Jun 25, 2023

JEWELLERY can tarnish and needs to be cleaned reguarly.

Here is a list of how to clean silver, gold, pearls and costume jewellery and what do experts say about obtaining jewellery.

Cleaning silver jewellery is an easy task to do at home.

Since silver does not tarnish easily, it only needs occasional polishing.

One method of cleaning silver is to use dish soap.

Simply add a few drops of dish soap to warm water and mix it until bubbles form.

Then soak the jewellery for five to ten minutes before using a toothbrush to clean any crevices.

After cleaning the silver, rinse it in warm water before drying it with a silver cloth or microfiber towel.

Do not use paper towels as they can leave scratch on the silver.

It is also possible to clean silver with baking soda and water to create a paste.

The mixture needs to be gently rub onto the silver and when the paste is dry it can be removed.

After that rinse the jewellery and clean it with a soft cloth or microfiber towel.

Other ways also contain using toothpaste, lemon and olive oil or vinegar and baking soda.

Cleaning gold jewellery at home is easy and requires materials most people already own.

One method is to use dish soap.

For that it is the same procedure as with silver jewellery.

Simply add a few drops of dish soap in warm water, let the gold soak for up to five minutes and then brush the jewellery with a toothbrush and rinse it under warm water.

It is also possible to clean gold jewellery with ammonia.

However it is not recommend to use it too often to clean gold since it can damage certain materials if used too often.

Another way is to boil gold jewellery, but beware to only boil jewellery entirely made out of gold or gold jewellery which contain diamonds.

Pearls are delicate and require proper care when cleaning them.

They can't be cleaned the same way as silver or gold jewellery.

It is important to wipe jewellery with pearls after every wear with a soft cloth.

This will help prevent buildups with oil or other substances that may have been in contact with the pearls.

If there is a visible stain, it is possible to mix warm water with dish soap and give the pearls are soft cleaning with a damp cloth - but only if needed.

However do not soak the pearls in the mixture.

Afterwards dry them before storing them away.

It can also be helpful to bring jewellery with pearls to a jeweller once a year.

The jeweller can check the integrity of the pearls and also clean them properly.

Costume jewellery can tarnish but are various ways to clean it.

First it is possible to use lemon juice to give the jewellery a deep clean.

Simply mix lemon juice and water and soak the jewellery for ten to fifteen minutes in a bowl.

Afterwards rinse it with cold water and use a clean cloth to dry the costume jewellery.

Another household trick is to use baking soda, salt and aluminum foil.

The costume jewellery needs to be placed on a plate with a sheet of aluminium foil.

The shiny side of the foil needs to be faced up.

Then mix one tablespoon of salt, baking soda and one cup of water together and pour it onto the plate on the jellwery.

The foil and the mixture will create a chemical reaction and will clean the costume jewellery.

After all of that just rinse the jewellery and rub it dry with a clean cloth.

The National Association of Jewellers recommends to bring jewellery to a professional for regular checks.

A jeweller will be able to tell if the jewellery is damaged or needs to be cleaned properly.

Following tips are advised by them: